Immersive Augmented Reality Surgical Navigation
VisAR is a next generation surgical navigation system with FDA 510(k) clearance for precision guided intraoperative spinal surgery, with other FDA clearances pending. It provides the precision of a robot, the portability of a stethoscope, and the versatility of human-powered intelligence. VisAR projects a patient’s imaging data into a 2D or 3D hologram which is visible through an optical visor and superimposed onto the patient with millimeter accuracy.
It's like a surgical GPS providing a roadmap to guide the surgeon through simple and complex surgeries.
Surgical Specialties
Key Features
Continuous Registration

Pre-operative Planning

QR code Case Retrieval

Navigational Views

Integrated Workflows

Ultrasound Navigation

Immersive Viewing

X-Ray Registration

Watch VisAR in Action
"This is ground breaking, revolutionary technology!"
"The VisAR system allows a physician to conduct complex surgical procedures in the most minimally invasive manner. This is how surgery will be performed in the future."
“This is the first time I’ve ever used any type of navigation technology that allows me to focus on where we’re working on the patient and also utilize navigation at the same time.”
"I just trusted the system (VisAR) and placed screws that went against the tactile feedback and training. The proof is in the pudding, they were all correct!"