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Physician Information

Modernized medical information and chart sharing 

Congratulations! A facility you work with has implemented CryptoChart Secure Image & Report Sharing. This award-winning solution gives you simple, secure access to patient images on-demand on any device without CDs, passwords, or logins. Using a simple but highly secure QR code, patients can share their information with their referring physician as easily as sending a text message or email.  

This page is intended to help you navigate the use of the CryptoChart system to help better serve your patients.

How to Use CryptoChart for Physicians

What do you do if someone hands you a QR code or a web access code? 

This video will show you how to use the image-sharing technology of the future, focusing on how to view images and reports as well as how to share that information with authorized parties. 

The CryptoChart Interface and What to Expect

When scanning a CryptoChart code with a mobile device, the experience can look a bit different. For a good view of the desktop interface, take a look at the video above. 




Apple iOS

Frequently Asked Questions 

The data in CryptoChart is extremely encrypted both in transit and at rest. Novarad follows best practices to ensure the data is kept safe and either meets or exceeds industry security requirements. The QR code and web access code provided on the printout is the only copy of those access points in the universe, so as long as the patients keep it secure, it is highly secure. Providers have the option of adding a secondary form of authentication by requiring anyone using the web access code to know and enter the patient’s DOB (please note, this is the second form of authentication and not a 2-factor)

Novarad's Privacy Policy can also be accessed here. 

Novarad's Privacy Policy can be accessed here. 

The DICOM images can only be downloaded from a PC for importing into PACS. To do so you simply scan the CryptoChart QR code with a USB scanner or type the secure web access code into Once entered the option to download the images will appear. Click that option, select the studies you want to download, and download. The system downloads all the files into a .zip format, so they will need to be unzipped to import into the PACS. Once unzipped you will have a DICOM.DIR folder that contains all the images. You will need to follow your PACS processes for importing the DICOM.DIR and images. Please note: it can take a few minutes to zip up large files like tomosynthesis so please be patient once you select to download. Your browser will indicate when the file starts and is completed downloading.

Yes, see the previous answer. 

You do not need a scanner to use CryptoChart, although it is much simpler to do so. Without a scanner, you would go to and enter the secure web access code. Using a scanner you just click into a browser bar and scan the CryptoChart QR code.

There is a Print History section in the CryptoChart Health Monitor on each client. It contains a 7-day rolling history of what has been sent to CryptoChart. Currently, it only shows the primary study sent, all comparisons will be viewable in the Universal Viewer on a PC.

The CryptoChart has a code that is valid for a time set by the sending facility. The expiration date is printed on the printout.

  1. Make sure you are on a PC and not a mobile device.
  2. It can take a while for large studies like Tomosynthesis to be packaged up for download. Once packaged the download progress will be displayed based on the browser you are using.
  3. Check your browser settings to make sure they aren’t blocking the download
  4. Try a different browser. Sometimes browsers restrict these kinds of activities. You may want to try Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
  5. Double-check your Download folder, sometimes it downloaded but you missed the browser progress indicator.
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